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How to Get Up to 20 New Clients in 30 Days on Upwork

(using a Simple Proven formula that generated me $146,736 in 12 months and made me part of the top 3%! Top Rated Plus!)

Watch the Video Below

The Freelancer Maverick Course is for any freelancer who wants a simple and quick way to get new clients on Upwork, without the stress that comes from ZERO responses from countless proposals sent.

Do you want new clients signing up for your services on a weekly basis?

Yes, I want more paying clients.

I am so CONFIDENT in helping you gain new clients in 30 days that I will give you your money back in 30 days if you don’t get any new clients. I’ve had NO returns so far.

Does this sound like you? 

- You’re already freelancing on various platforms, but you don’t have a clear system in place to generate stable income on a regular basisSo you end up feeling frustrated when you finish a project and you don’t have another one in its place.

- Your challenge now is to get clients and increase your monthly revenue.

- You’re not getting paid your actual worth and it keeps you awake at night.

- You know that in order to get more clients, you need to up your game and stop blaming competition for your proposals not being viewed or rejected!

- You want to learn all the tricks in the book from a Top Rated Plus freelancer on Upwork.

You’ve probably tried the following to get paying clients with varying results:

- Sent hundreds of proposals on a daily basis that never got viewed. So you ended up frustrated and unmotivated to keep applying for jobs. This has pushed you further from your end goal, which is making more stable money in your bank account.

- Created a portfolio website to impress your clients, but felt disheartened because there was still no response.

- Crafted different messages to serve as a cover letter but nothing seemed to ‘stick’. So you ended up wasting precious time that could have been served as making money instead.

- You shared testimonials as well, but your applications’ responses did not improve - still a few responses here and there, but most likely 0.

You’ve seen some success using these tactics but they’re NOT consistently bringing you an income that you’re happy with. This puts you in an endless circle of applying constantly and distracting yourself from doing the actual work = making money.

You dream of waking up in the morning looking at your emails and seeing:


Do you dream of being able to have a consistent income stream on a monthly basis and ending your constant money worries?

Do you dream of being able to scale your freelancing business and even having other contractors working for you?

Do you dream of being energized and more enthusiastic about your business than you are right now?

You’ve seen other freelancers having the success you deserve, but you’re not able to achieve it for yourself.. YET.

That’s where I come in.

👉 You don't need a college degree, formal job proposals, or have to be a rocket scientist to change your life by getting good clients quickly and making excellent money on UpWork.

Why me?

I am so CONFIDENT in helping you gain new clients in 30 days that I will give you your money back in 30 days if you don’t get any new clients. I’ve had NO returns so far.

I knew I was good at writing applications when I got a high response rate!

I knew I was awesome at gaining new clients when I closed 50% of the interviews with clients. 

Through a lot of trial and error, I learned a very effective strategy that created a 6 figure annual income for me within a few months.

I really knew I was onto something when one of my students got his first Upwork client in 6 days, by applying my formula.


Here's my latest post in my group this week. Meet Brandon: from $0 to $10.000 in 60 days

(and to a Top Rated Plus Freelancer ):

'This course is amazing - thanks for leading us through how to do this so well. I have always had a side hustle, but after a layoff in mid-October from a company I was employed with, I decided to go full-time into consulting and generating leads through Upwork, following Maverick's approach. After 2 months of grinding, and working on my profile/reviews - I have exciting news to share:

1. I have 100% Job Success after obtaining a few 5-star reviews

2. I have grossed over $10k in the last 60 days

3. I now have the Top Rate Plus badge on my profile

4. Based on the contracts secured over the last two months, I am projected to hit six figures (on and off Upwork) in 2024.' - Brandon

Optimize Your Upwork Profile Like a Boss #1

  • A simple & powerful way to Optimize your Upwork Profile.

  • Get prospects excited about the services you offer and get found easily on Upwork!

Get Paid What You're Worth #2

  • An easy strategy for finding out when and where to price your services.

  • This strategy ensures that you don't leave any money on the table. Get paid what you're worth!

The Simple, Effective Way For Writing Proposals #3

  • Learn and apply a simple strategy for writing and sending effective proposals.

  • This strategy has prospects responding quickly and taking action! We don't like "Ghosts"!

The Simple Way To Get Your Ideal Clients #4

  • Simple way to land your ideal clients.

  • Working with ideal clients makes work more enjoyable, and the good clients pay more.

A Proven Technique To Ensure You Get Paid #5

  • Learn the best way to make sure you get paid.

  • Don't become one of the 70%+ of freelancers who do the work, and then never get paid. This one technique will give you peace of mind, knowing you will get paid once the work is finished!

Get Great Feedback And Land Even More Clients #6

  • Learn the simple strategy for ensuring your clients are happy and leave great feedback!

  • This leads to a better job success score and reviews that can help you land even more clients. It also tends to lead to referrals!

Keep It Simple & Make More Money on Upwork #7

  • Learn the EXACT simple strategy a hillbilly uses daily, to get new clients and make more money on Upwork.

  • This simple strategy can help you get new clients quickly and can help make you more money.

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Early Adopter Bonuses

Early Adopter Amazing Bonuses

  • Early Adopters Private Community: 
    Get your questions answered so you are never second guessing or wasting time!

  • Early Adopters Customized Course: 
    The course will be built around your specific input and needs as an early adopter. This is something that other folks will not get to experience with the finished course! 

  • Early Access To Over-the-Shoulder Series:
    Watch exclusive recordings of live examples where the hillbilly freelancer applies for jobs, responds to clients, sets up meetings, and gets new clients!

What's Included In The Freelancer Maverick Course?

Easy simple easy to follow video tutorials
Daily Practice Exercises
Daily Practice Exercises

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be an expert?

No. Any freelancer who wants to experience more success on Upwork can benefit from this course.

We believe freelancers who can experience the most value from this course are the ones who have a strong desire to get new clients on Upwork and follow our simple system.

Did we say "We keep things simple", yet?

How long do I have access to the program & when does it start?

You'll have lifetime access to the program.

Join the Freelancer Maverick course now to get over 90% off the regular price! And your bonuses... 😃

Do I need to have success on Upwork before starting?

Not at all.

You just need to be willing and able to follow a simple system and take action.

Will the strategies you teach in the course work for any freelancer category?

As long as you are still communicating with humans with the services you provide, the principles included with this system will work for any freelancer category on Upwork.

Can I just sign up for this later?

Not at this price. Plus, if you put it off now, you’ll be in the same position next month. And the month after that ;)

Regular Price: $497

Launch Price: $297

Your Early Adopter Price: $97

And early adopters get the special bonuses.

So, don't miss out!

Signing up for this low price is an extremely low-risk way of seeing how this simple Upwork client-getting system can work for you!

Why is the price of the Freelancer Maverick Course so low?

We are in the early-adopter phase, and are looking for as many freelancers as possible that are willing to learn these strategies and apply them to create results in their own business.

This is why we are giving away the "kitchen sink" ... LOL

You know the saying:

"The Early Bird Gets The Worm"

We wont be giving you worms. But we will be giving extra bonuses for taking the risk and rewarding you for being an action taker.

If a bald-headed hillbilly can do this, anyone can do it.

You can do this!

Can I Really Do This?

Absolutely YES!

We teach and show you EXACTLY what we do, so that anyone following the simple system can succeed.

You just need to show up, take action, follow the simple system and watch your confidence and success grow!

You can do this!

Is there a guarantee?


We're so confident that you can get NEW clients on Upwork by applying our strategies, that we offer a 30 day guarantee!

If you go through the course, apply what you learn, and don't get any clients within 30 days, you'll get a full refund!

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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this landing page and discussed in the  are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE The Program.